Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM, following two periods of zazen at 9 and 9:50 AM. Everyone is warmly welcome to all or any part of Sunday morning's program.
Zenki Kathleen Batson on February 16
Josho Pat Phelan Roshi on March 2 Jakuko Mo Ferrell on March 16
Bodhisattva Ceremony
Sunday morning, February 9 at 10:30 AM
Following two periods of zazen at 9 and 9:50 AM, we will have the Bodhisattva Ceremony, which has its roots in the oldest Buddhist Ceremony. This is a monthly renewal of our precepts and vows.
We will have the Lay Precepts Ceremony, Zaike Tokudo, on Sunday afternoon, March 2. Elvira Vilches, Chris Censullo, and Jill Kuhlberg are preparing to receive the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts. You are warmly invited to attend to witness and support these ordainees.
A potluck reception will follow.
All-day Sittings
Sundays, February 16 and March 16
from 6 AM to 5 PM
Each sitting begins with orientation on Saturday night at 7:30 PM which includes instruction in and review of the meal form. Since the form has many steps we encourage people to attend oryoki orientation more than once. The regular Sunday morning schedule, with zazen at 9 and 9:50, and Dharma talk at 10:30, will be open to everyone. All-day Sittings include zazen, a Dharma Talk, Dokusan, and a work period, as well as breakfast and lunch. It is alright to sit half of the day, but please sign up in advance, and please speak to Josho Roshi or Zenki Sensei if this is your first all-day sitting.
The suggested donation is $15 for members, and $25 for others; however, if you are inclined to offer more, that would be very helpful in maintaining the Zen Center. Oryoki sets are available for use by those who do not have their own, and a $5 donation is appreciated. Please sign up by the Wednesday before each sitting at
Richmond Zen is affiliated with the Chapel Hill Zen Center, and Josho Roshi visits regularly. For information, contact Stan at (804) 833-1009 or visit
Sunday Mornings at 9 and 9:50 AM
Tuesday Evenings at 7 and 7:50 PM
Monday through Friday Mornings at 6 and 6:50 AM
You are welcome to join both periods of zazen or either one. Masks are now optional at Zen Center.
The Zen Center and Virtual Zendo will also be closed from Thursday, December 19 - Wednesday, January 1, except for the evening New Year’s Eve Program and Sundays, December 22 and 29. In-person zazen will resume on Thursday morning, January 2.
Zoom Zazen
Monday through Friday Mornings at 6 and 6:50 AM
The CHZC continues to offer zazen via Zoom. You are welcome to join both periods of zazen or either one. All times EST.
Joining Zoom zazen Via Via phone: (646) 558-8656 Meeting ID: 85659804526
Dress Guidelines for Zoom Zazen
Before joining the online zendo we ask that you please read the CHZC Online Zendo Guidelines to help create a settled and peaceful online space for our shared zazen experience.
In brief, to support our practice together during zazen and Dharma Talks, please wear respectful clothing. Pants and skirts that come below the knee are appropriate. If you are wearing Buddha’s robe, the rakusu, please wear long pants or skirts, rather than shorts. Please do not wear pajamas, bath robes, hoods, or bring refreshments, especially to Dharma Talks — please treat Zoom practice events with respect as you would in the Zendo.
Your presence and bearing in this way can support all of us in feeling connected and not slipping into a casual attitude toward our practice or the teaching efforts of others.
Orientation & Meditation Instruction
Sundays at 9 AM and Tuesdays at 7 PM
Orientation and Zen Meditation Instruction are offered at 9 AM on Sundays and 7 PM on Tuesdays. Please let us know before your first visit at
Instrucciones disponibles en español. Envíe un correo electrónico a para obtener información.
Dokusan & Practice Discussion
If you would like to make an appointment, please write to
Individual meetings are available to discuss your meditation practice, as well as your zazen posture, practice in daily life, and questions you may have about Buddhist teaching. These are usually given during zazen and sometimes by special appointment. To support trust and openness, discussions in these meetings should be kept confidential.
Dokusan is a formal meeting with the Abbess or Vice Abbess to talk about your practice. You may schedule Dokusan by speaking to Josho Roshi, or Zenki in person, or by contacting them at When it’s time for you to have Dokusan, someone may come to the zendo and get you, or the bell in the Dokusan Room or Zazen Instruction Room will signal when it is time for you to come back. When it is your turn, enter and close the door. Do one floor bow toward the altar ending with a standing bow, then sidestep and bow to and away from the cushion. Sit down and turn clockwise to face the teacher, settle and begin talking. When Dokusan is over, turn clockwise, fluff your cushion, and do a standing bow. Leave the door slightly open as you leave.
Practice Discussion is a meeting to discuss your practice with a priest. Jakuko Mo Ferrell is available to meet with people for Practice Discussion. The form is to do a standing bow in front of the altar and to bow to and away from your cushion before sitting down, turn clockwise and begin. You may contact Jakuko at the zendo or by email at
The Monday evening Study Group will continue studying the Yogacara sutra, the Samdhinirmocana Sutra, primarily the translation of John Powers, titled the Wisdom of Buddha, and Reb Anderson’s book, The Third Turning of the Wheel.
You are invited to join us for Baikaryu Eisanka, the practice of singing Japanese Soto Zen Buddhist hymns with bell accompaniment. No experience necessary! Please contact Chris at, or sign up at the bulletin board if you are interested in attending.
For more information about Baikaryu Eisanka, see
Living with Impermanence
By Zoom About Once a Month
This is an informal discussion group that shares how we experience impermanence in our lives including life changes, illness, aging and death. We usually begin with participants sharing what they are currently thinking of or dealing with. Discussions then usually emerge spontaneously to raised concerns. Silence is frequently a response after someone shares and we trust in that silence. On occasion we’ve set an agenda in advance to study a topic of interest.
The small groups at the Zen Center came out of Zoom discussions that we had at Practice Intensive teas during the pandemic. People were hungry for that kind of interaction, and wanted to continue it after the Practice Intensive was over. So we formed small groups of six members maximum where people could get together and informally discuss their practice. Since practice includes all of life, we found ourselves discussing everything. These really act as support groups for people who are trying to live their lives according to Buddhist principles.
We meet once a month, both in person and by Zoom. All members have an equal opportunity to share. We don’t try to fix or correct each other, just to sit and listen. It’s a wonderful feeling to be heard, and to talk about practice in an informal setting. If you’re interested in joining a small group, or would like more information, contact Michael Hallquist at or David Guy at
Virtual Peer Group
Wednesdays, February 12 from 7 to 8 PM
Ananda knew that having good and encouraging friends was very important for the path. He even wondered whether having good friends is half the path.
"No, Ananda," the Buddha told him, "having good friends isn’t half of the Holy Life. Having good friends is the whole of the Holy Life." (Meghiya Sutta)
These online meetings give sangha members an opportunity to share their individual experiences, receive encouragement, and offer compassion in a safe, supportive environment. Our goal is to build a thriving virtual community based on Soto Zen principles and help one another deepen our practice in daily life.
The Peer Group meets monthly on the Second Wednesday of the month. For more information, please contact Al-Nisa Berry at or Maura High at
Joining the Virtual Peer Group
Via computer:
Via phone: (301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 85185384652
Eco-Dharma Update
The CHZC Eco-Dharma group began meeting in 2017 as a way for sangha members to express their concern for the more-than-human world. We now plan to fold all future activities into the main programming of CHZC. The greatest interest and momentum in the group revolves around tending to and ensuring the well-being of our shared Chapel Hill Zen Center environment, including care of the land at 5206 Hwy 86. These are some of our ongoing projects: Kris Garvin, as head of the flower-arranging team, continues to plant more native species at 5206, and garden volunteers are working to remove invasive species at the Zen Center. We have had work days focused on the trees we planted at 5206, and now regularly hold Half-day Outdoor Sittings as part of our general programming. Thanks to the efforts of Steve Magers and several volunteers, we have an outdoor pavilion to sit in if it rains. The efforts of the Eco-Dharma group have also influenced the CHZC Board which approved the purchase and installation of a new energy-efficient water heater, and continues to make a strong effort to consider environmental factors when making purchase decisions. As John Daido Loori said, “When you realize the whole universe as nothing but yourself, you have to take care of it.” Caring for the more-than-human world is a natural and logical extension of our practice of Zen Buddhism, so it will continue to manifest within our regular programming. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to participate.
Sangha Net is a network of volunteers who offer short-term assistance to those in the sangha in need of help due to transitions in life such as illness, disability, or death of a loved one. Examples of tasks include shopping, arranging for meals, or transportation.
If you are interested in helping care for the altars of our temple, this would be a good time to begin, or return to, the practice of flower arranging or chidening. Traditionally, chidens are responsible for maintaining the altars of a temple which means cleaning the altars themselves, sifting and cleaning the incense burners, trimming candles, and replenishing needed items.
We also need volunteers to bring flowers and create flower arrangements for the altars.
Creating flower arrangements and chidening are wonderful ways of supporting the ongoing practice of our temple. A new schedule is being set up, and if you are interested in serving as a flower arranger about once a month, please contact Kris at If you are interested in serving as a chiden about once a month, please contact John at
Grounds and Buildings Volunteers Needed
Would you like to help take care of the Chapel Hill Zen Center's grounds and buildings? We're updating our contact list of people who could come for organized work sessions or take on particular responsibilities on their own schedule.
Tasks would include such things as assisting with construction projects, yard work, windfall and brush removal, trail maintenance, hauling items to the Orange County landfill, tool cleaning and maintenance, and repair and maintenance work on siding and interior surfaces. Experience and equipment, such as power tools, pickup truck, or trailer, are useful but by no means necessary. This contact list complements the quarterly sign-up sheet for temple tasks, in the entryway in the main Zen Center building.
For more information, or to sign on to the contact list, please email Maura High (work leader) at
Prison Outreach
Members of the Chapel Hill Zen Center volunteer in both state prisons in North Carolina and the federal prison at Butner. We can always use more volunteers, and having volunteers present is usually a requirement in order for inmates to meet for religious services or to sit zazen. We are looking for people who have been sitting zazen at the Zen Center for a year or more. Orientation is required by each institution. If you would like more information, please contact Josho Roshi at (919) 967-0861 or
Prison Book Donation Program
The Prison Book Donation Program is grateful for the generous support of the Sangha. Donations of Buddhist books, particularly on Zen, are appreciated, and only paperbacks are accepted by the prison. Please leave prison book donations at the Zendo.
Inter-Faith Council Community
A group of Zen Center volunteers prepare and serve lunch at the Inter-Faith Council (IFC) Community Kitchen on the fourth Saturday of each month from 10 AM to 1 PM. More volunteers are needed, including a core group of committed people, so we can continue our presence. The IFC Community Kitchen is the only soup kitchen in Orange Country and is located in Carrboro. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact Shawn at (919) 619-2243 or
Members of the CHZC also continue to collect items for the IFC Community Market which provides approximately 1,300 bags of groceries to those in need every month. Both produce and non-perishable food and items such as dish washing soap, shampoo, toilet paper are needed, as well as gently used brown paper bags used to send groceries home. Please leave items on the front deck of the ZC in the large plastic containers. They are picked up about once a week.
Inter-Faith Council for Social Services
The IFC is looking for volunteers including receptionists and Community Market (formerly known as the Food Pantry) staff (a 3-hour shift, flexible schedule), and volunteers to assist staff with linking people to options such as social services ("Community Navigation"). It is also hiring kitchen staff. More details on their website:
We also have an updated list of current needs since the IFC has seen quite an increase in numbers recently at both lunch and dinner times, 60-70 for lunch and up to 40 for dinner.
The Community Market most needed items are baked beans, dry or canned pinto beans, pork and beans, peanut and other nut butters, canned chicken, ramen, spaghetti, Mac and Cheese, other pastas, hearty soups such as Progresso, canned vegetables (except corn and green beans, which are in good supply), spaghetti sauce, canned tomato sauce & paste, canned diced & whole tomatoes, canned fruit, cooking oils & fats, butter, grits, oats—including instant packets, baking & cake mixes, cereals, juice both bottles & boxes, coffee, tea, canned milk, powdered milk packets, jelly and other condiments. Personal hygiene items are also need including soap, small tissue packs, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, lotion and moisturizing creams, deodorant, razors, size 4 and 5 children’s diapers. For questions, please contact Tim West at Tim West at or Maura High at
Organizing Against Racism
The local organization Organizing Against Racism is holding virtual workshops with Racial Equity Institute instructors. For more information, see, and for workshop schedules see Over several years, some of us have taken this two-day workshop and have found it very informative and beneficial.
Scholarships for Racial Equity Workshops
The Chapel Hill Zen Center has a scholarship fund to help those who would like to take this workshop and other workshops on race who can’t afford the full fee. For more information or to request a partial scholarship, please contact John Paredes at Donations to this fund are also welcome!
The general rule about coming to the zendo is, if driving may be risky, don’t do it.
For example, when it is snowing or sleeting, or if snow or sleet are predicted to occur before or during zazen, you can assume that the zendo will be closed. This is particularly true for 6 AM zazen. The highway where the zendo is located is often not as well traveled or as well treated for snow as other highways in the area, and the temperature in the county is often a couple of degrees colder than in more populated areas.
2025 Board of Directors
We are pleased to announce that the Chapel Hill Zen Center Board of Directors for 2025 are: Danielle Bouchard, President; Chris Censullo, Vice President; Mike McKillip, Treasurer; Jill Kuhlberg, Secretary; Lance Ashdown and Daniel Rhodes, Members-at-Large; and Josho Pat Phelan Abbess, ex officio.
We offer deep gratitude to Al-Nisa Berry and John Paredes who served as Member-at-Large and President, respectively, each for three years.
Library Acquisitions
Recent additions to the Chapel Hill Zen Center’s Member’s Library include:
Interdependence: Biology and Beyond by Kriti Sharma
Zen Comments on the Mumonkan by Zenkei Shibayama
Hakuin’s Song of Zazen commentary by Mumon Yamada
Entangling Vines: Zen Koans of the Shumon Kattoshu translated by Thomas Yuho Kirchner
Wait: A Love Letter to Those in Despair by Cuong Lu
Gardens of Awakening: A Guide to the Aesthetics, History by Kazuaki Tanahashi and Mitsuo Nagase
Spirituality of Kyoto’s Zen Landscapes by Kazuaki Tanahashi and Mitsuo Nagase
The Tale of Zen Master Bho Li by Barbara Verkuilen and Aaron Gilmore
The Book of Equanimity: Illuminating Classic Zen Koans by Hongzhi Zhengjue and translated by Gerry Shishin Wick
Daily Dogen is a Google Group that sends a short passage from Dogen every day by email. Over the course of 2023-2024, the plan is to email the entire Shobogenzo. If you would like to join, go to and click: Ask to Join Group. Your email will not be shared or used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
The Chapel Hill Zen Center now has a blog with photographs from recent ceremonies and events. See:
Practicing at Home: Ryaku Fusatsu —
The Bodhisattva Ceremony
Five Minute Talks
The Facebook page for Soto Zen Buddhism North America has a number of Five Minute Talks by Soto Zen Teachers from all over America. See: Look under the "Videos" section to find them.
If you prefer receiving an email with a link to the PDF file of the CHZC Newsletter which is mailed every two months in printed form, please send your request to The PDF version is always linked to at the top of the Events page.
To get the latest version of Adobe’s free PDF viewer, Acrobat Reader, click here.
Shopping Online?
The Chapel Hill Zen Center is now registered with the online company is set up so that when you register with them to make a purchase, a percentage (about 2%-15%) will be given to the non-profit of your choice. has 238 merchants registered with them, including LandsEnd, L.L. Bean, and After logging on to, to make a purchase, choose the merchant, place the order, and then designate the Chapel Hill Zen Center to receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale. We are not advocating that you buy something you wouldn’t ordinarily, or that you buy online, but, if you already shop online, consider going through to make your purchase.
Facebook and Instagram
The Chapel Hill Zen Center is on Facebook and Instagram! Please follow or like our official Facebook page at for announcements and invitations to events and special programs at the center. We also invite you to join our affiliated group, Chapel Hill Zen Center Members and Friends at to share news, articles, and other resources, ask questions, and interact with sangha members in a more informal way.