Chapel Hill Zen Center Membership InformationWe welcome anyone to join us for silent meditation. In order to provide an environment where we may meet ourselves at our most fundamental level and that supports trust, safety, and harmony in our community, we, the board members and priests of the Chapel Hill Zen Center, encourage everyone to follow our ethical guidelines.
Why Become a Member?Members are extremely important to our Zen community, our Sangha. While no one needs to formally join the Chapel Hill Zen Center in order to share in our zendo practice, CHZC is only able to exist through voluntary contributions of time and money by committed supporters.
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Pledges and DonationsMembership pledges are the cornerstone of the budget and make it possible for the board to plan and for the treasurer to pay the bills. Chapel Hill Zen Center offers several kinds of membership to people who wish to be more involved in the Sangha. The Chapel Hill Zen Center is a 501(c)3 organization registered as a nonprofit in the state of North Carolina. Contributions to the group are tax deductible.
General MembershipGeneral Membership is for those who want to support the Group at the most basic level. The term "support" here is understood to mean any kind of contribution which promotes the continued functioning and well-being of the group. This contribution can be either in the form of activity (time and energy) or money. Anyone, regardless of where they live or how often they are able to come to the zendo, can become a General Member by filling out the membership form. The Newsletter is sent to General Members to help them keep in touch with our activities. Frequently, a person who is new to the group, and has not yet decided how involved he or she wishes to be, becomes a General Member. Sustaining MembershipSustaining Membership is designed for those who have practiced at the center, and have a practice relationship with the teacher, but who, for whatever reason, do not participate in the business of the center. Sustaining Membership may be appropriate for those who attend all-day sittings, or other practice events, but live out of town, as well as for those who were Participating Members but have moved out of the area and continue to have a teaching relationship with Josho Sensei. Sustaining members make a membership pledge, receive the Newsletter, and get a discount on meditation retreats and workshops sponsored by the Center. They may also borrow Buddhist books from the Members' Library. |
Participating MembershipParticipating Membership is more formal in nature because the person requesting membership makes a certain minimum level of commitment. For instance, Participating Members are asked to attend regularly for three months before applying. They have a private meeting with the Priest to introduce themselves and discuss their meditation practice, they make a membership pledge, and they help maintain our building and services. Participating Members are those who want to assume more responsibility for sustaining and nurturing the practice on a regular, week-to-week, basis by doing things such as ringing bells for service, leading the chanting, cleaning, providing flowers for the altar, making tea, bringing refreshments, etc. Participating Members receive discounts on meditation retreats and workshops sponsored by the group and may borrow Buddhist books from the Member's Library. Participating Members also play a legal role. In accordance with CHZC's bylaws and articles of incorporation, Participating Members elect the Board of Directors. Periodically, other issues come before the membership for a vote, and Participating Members are kept informed through mailings about questions of special importance. In short, these members help create the future of CHZC by their voting choices. Participating Members may be elected to the Board of Directors after nine months' membership. |
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